With the widespread adoption of mobile phones worldwide, it is assumed that most if us are familiar with SMS (Short Message Service), the function present in almost every GSM phone which allows users send Short Messages of 160 characters or less to other mobile phone users around the world.
Each and every one of us must have sent (or at least received) a text message on our phones
Sending messages via mobile phones it soon becomes inconvenient sending out to large amounts of messages, especially during the festive seasons when we would like to send messages to all our contacts, this is where Bulk SMS comes in.
Back to the question, What is Bulk SMS? Bulk SMS is the process used in delivering high volumes of SMS directly through your computer, by high volumes, this means thousands of SMS at the same time to multiple numbers and multiple destinations.
Bulk SMS can be used in multiple scenarios and is important in cases where clients need to send messages which need to get to users instantly and can be used for periodic newsletters, advertising messages from businesses, bank account alerts, news, invitations, political campaigns, daily devotionals and a million other uses all depending on your creativity. The last elections where a major boom for bulk SMS as millions of messages where being sent everyday by politicians from various constituencies in different states all over the country seeking for votes from the electorate.
Bulk SMS from premium providers comes with the added advantage that the Sender I.D (where the sender’s phone number is) can be in alphabets rather than numbers, so it would be easy to tell the receivers who you are rather than sending the messages with a phone number which may or may not be saved in the contact’s phone.
June 17, 2012 at 7:41 pmA good example you should say is http://www.smslive247.com and some others.
March 26, 2013 at 8:08 amThank you for that addition